Tattoo Babii 

  Tattoo Babii!! This music enthusiast and diverse goth model takes much pride and passion with any project she takes on. From modeling for WTB and merch for Modded Misfits to modeling merch for unsigned bands and signed bands. And it doesn't stop there. This beauty also has her own podcast, TattooBabii23 podcast where she met Jeff T, the co-owner of their new radio station, Front Row Radio.

Let's break it down!!! Podcast career: This started out as a “just for fun project “with two other ladies. But because of her passion for music as well as watching live music she decided to go solo. She has now become a staple in the music industry as not only a supporter, by promoting new music and band reviews, but also as a model. Check this hottie out. She streams on multiple platforms including YouTube and Facebook and radio stations.

Modeling career: Last year, she joined and started modeling for an empowering and body confidence community called Working Tattooed Beauties, or WTB. Which is a group of tattooed women that love their ink and their careers and don't mind showing it off. They do group modeling projects to promote themselves and their jobs while using their different locations for mass exposure. Check it out at www. Or follow their Facebook page. Working Tattooed beauties.

This led to expanding her horizons.

With what started out as a model for band’s merch, like Grimrock, Everfelt and Bagworm went to her becoming merch girl for Modded Misfits! Her merch Modeling is growing for bands. This is where she got her very own exclusive issue out ( Modded Babii ) ! Now she has currently been published in over 10 magazines worldwide and counting!!!
You can check them all out in the link below. 

Also a huge milestone in her modeling career she is also a Album cover model for Grimrocks album GR5. The photo Used was a shoot taken by David De Uhz of Texas. During photoshoot by Working tattooed beauties. As he Grows worldwide and just got signed also! Then becoming the song cover to 1 artist and another band. One Band being Digital Escort where you she became a bloody mess. And another where she became cumbersome to the world. 

Matt Kirshner- Cumbersome (cover)

Digital Escort- COMING SOON

Radio Station: Front Row Radio is her latest endeavor with Jeff T. Together they will make sure newly signed and unsigned bands get heard. If you are a band that is interested in being heard or wanting a model for your merch line reach out at! Also check out the Front row radio tab to hear our station and also see our show times and days.

Are you a Tattoo Babii fan? Well, we got you!!! Tattoo Babii merch!! Yes!! (under the merch tab) Order yours today! We want to see your support.

Make sure to post and tag @tattoobabii!!! and hash tag #tattooBabii23 

All of her links are here on her link tree- Make sure and send her the Picture if you purchase any items. 





Tattoo Babii lives in Illinois. She Plays a local show every Thursday starting at 5 pm central on Front Row radio.  She loves her local people and Bands. She goes almost every week to Local venues to see all kinds of music. TB is very supportive to her local community. #LOVELOCAL #tattoobabii23

TB local Hang outs 


Band:Oblivion Zero
Location: Nightshop

Tattoo Babii captured a moment where the the music hits the soul so hard you just gotta take the moment and Feel it. 

Travis White- Guitarist for Oblivion Zero.

Small Interview - 

TB- When did you become a member for OZ?

TW- 2022

 TB-What is your favorite Brand Guitar?

TW- Jackson

TB- What's your Favorite Guitar color?

TW-  Black

TB-What is a hobby outside of music?

TW- Watching Formula 1 and golfing

Follow Him and Band.





Tattoo Babii Loves to Support her local Bands. In this picture she captures the moment where Kirk from Khoas Ordinance Lets the music Flow through the fingers.  

Kirk is one of TB Favorite Bass Players,

Wanna Follow Kirk? Kirk

Wanna Follow Khoas Ordinance? KO

 Here is a Small Interview with Kirk of KO.

 TB- When did you start learning bass?

KIRK- In 2009 I had a friend sell me an ESP LTD F-104, and it was around that time that I started to get into heavier music. I've been a disciple of the low-end ever since.

TB- When did you join KO?

Kirk- I wanna say it was late 2010 to early 2011. I was originally one of their roadies and spent some years doing that, and then became their tech. Which I did until about 2016, I want to say. Since then, I've worn a few hats, on-stage, but bass has been my most consistent role.  Tb-Would you want to be in a band full-time instead of working? 

KIRK -Absolutely. I'd assume it's what most of us are always working toward. I'd love to be crammed into the back of a van for long periods at a time. It's a little harder to accomplish, these days, but we'll get there. 

TB- What something that you do before going on stage?

Kirk- Make sure my emotional-support water bottle is full. Wardrobe, paint, talk to myself for a little while.

TB- What’s your favorite color? 

KIRK- Teal, I guess?

TB- What do you enjoy outside of playing music?

Kirk- Hammocking (it'll change your life), reading comics and manga, watching anime, solitary time in nature, and the smallest amount of painting. I also have a small art collection of pieces I've purchased from and/or have been gifted by friends.

What's Your Favorite Radio Station?